Thinking About Penis Enlargement Surgery?
Do You Actually Need a Big Penis?
The prospect of a penis enlargement implant is exciting, and the Himplant male enhancement procedure can bring a sense of relief to many who have struggled with feeling inadequate throughout their lives.
Of course, surgically altering your manhood is a major decision, and there are several important points to consider beforehand. This article will highlight a few of those points so that you can make an informed decision about whether or not to pursue penis enlargement.

Average Penis Size and Realistic Standards
First, it’s essential to figure out whether you’re contemplating a penile implant because you are in fact physically under-endowed or because you have a psychological perception of not being personally adequate.
Defining personal and sexual adequacy in relation to penis size asks you to be realistic about your body and the average penis size of others. Did you know that the average length of an erect penis is 5 inches? In fact, only 15% of men have an erect penis longer than 7 inches and only 3% of adult males are eight inches or longer when erect (Fisch & Baskin, 2008).
What exactly counts as a big penis is often misunderstood. It’s common, for example, for men to compare themselves to male performers in pornographic videos.
This is a bad idea. Male porn stars don’t represent the average penis anatomy. Remember that these are men who have been chosen to perform because of their abnormally large penises.
It’s our experience that men who fall within the spectrum of average penile length and girth sometimes seek male enhancement surgery as a way to compensate for feelings of inadequacy or feeling “less than” others.
If you identify with this, we strongly recommend that you seek a skilled therapist to help you identify your negative thoughts so you can change them. This process will assist you in increasing your self-esteem and in attracting a partner who appreciates you for who you are.

There’s More to Sex than Penis Size
It’s also useful to remember that when you meet someone for the first time, they don’t have a special intuition or radar that tells them whether you have a big penis or not. If a potential sex partner avoids you or is disinterested in you, it may mean that they don’t have chemistry with you, aren’t interested for their own personal reasons at the time, or that you’re telegraphing low self-esteem via non-verbal cues such as posture or eye contact.
It’s worth noting that communication experts estimate that approximately 65% or more of our communication with others is non-verbal. Potential partners will be drawn to you because you exude a sense of confidence and make appropriate eye contact.
Self-esteem is an aphrodisiac that will make you more interesting to others. Don’t compare yourself and don’t buy into the common myth that others can assess your penis size by evaluating the size of your hands or feet either!
Master What You’ve Got
The best way to set yourself up for success and to ensure a sexually healthy experience with another is to seek connection with yourself first.
In addition to therapy, we recommend looking at sex education resources to help increase your awareness about how you can better express yourself sexually and how you can meet the needs of your partner.
By learning new sexual techniques, you can focus less on how to get a bigger penis and instead on how to better use the penis you already have.
Check out our YouTube channel for more educational materials!
Himplant Penis Enlargement Implant: Average Results
Finally, if you choose to follow through with penis enlargement surgery, it’s crucial that you have realistic expectations and that you’re patient with seeing the full results.
The results of the Himplant procedure are both immediate and long-term. If you undergo the procedure, you may potentially see a 1” to 2” increase in penis width or girth afterwards. Flaccid length increases are also typically reported. In some cases, it may take up to 12 to 18 months to see the full results as the body slowly accommodates the penile implant.
Erectile length changes are unpredictable. It’s important to remember that this procedure is primarily for enlarging your penis in its flaccid state, not for erectile length gains. It is important to note that there may be no increase in erectile length. As always, individual results may vary.
Bear in mind that these statistics are averages based on past patients, and that no surgical procedure has guaranteed results. Even the best male enhancement procedure available entails risks and potential complications.
A few other important notes:
- You’ll need to abstain from sexual activity (including masturbation!) for 6-8 weeks after the procedure
- Your penis may feel different to the touch – it’s a silicone penile implant and it takes time for your body to adapt
- You may become a “shower” rather than a “grower” – at all times
- You may eventually desire removal, as explained in our previous post
Whatever you decide, good luck on your journey!