Frequently Asked Questions
Discover the answers to your most pressing questions about Himplant®, the revolutionary FDA-cleared penile enhancement solution. Our FAQs provide clarity and confidence for men considering this life-changing option.
Each patient’s circumstances will determine the cost of the implant. The average cost of the procedure ranges from $16,000 to $18,000 based on the clinic; additional costs may include circumcision for uncircumcised patients, lipectomy for overweight patients, travel for remote patients, etc.
If paying for the procedure is an issue, many of our clinics offer financing plans, including zero-interest options for a period of time.
To get a Himplant implant, you have to be over 21 and circumcised. If you are not circumcised, the Himplant™ physicians can provide a circumcision procedure in advance of a Himplant™ procedure.
There are other criteria that your patient consultant will discuss with you. If we decline a candidate, it’s most often because they’ve had a previous penis enhancement procedure.
It is critical that you refrain from all forms of sexual activity (including oral, vaginal, anal, and masturbation) after the procedure until given clearance by the Himplant™ surgeon and staff.
This clearance typically takes place six (6) to eight (8) weeks after the procedure, but individual circumstances may vary. After clearance for sexual activity, please use a condom and wash with antibacterial soap and water after engaging in sexual activity for the first six (6) to eight (8) weeks of sexual activity.
Observe the penis for the first few months and report any unusual findings (redness, soreness, swelling, inflammation, etc.) to your Himplant™ surgeon and staff immediately. Do not engage in any risky or strenuous sexual activity.
Do not engage in any heavy lifting or strenuous activity until you receive clearance from your Himplant™ surgeon or the medical staff (typically 6 to 8 weeks after the procedure).
Light upper body exercises can resume upon clearance by the Himplant™ surgeon and staff. This typically takes place four (4) weeks after the procedure, but individual circumstances may vary.
Light lower body exercises can resume upon clearance by the Himplant™ surgeon and staff. This typically takes place four (4) to six (6) weeks after the procedure, but individual circumstances may vary.
Regular exercise routines can resume upon clearance by the Himplant™ surgeon and staff. This typically takes place six (6) to eight (8) weeks after the procedure, but individual circumstances may vary. We recommend that you continue to wear the UroWrap during any strenuous activity and for up to 6 months.
The implant has been in use since 2004. The implant is made of soft, medical-grade silicone. It does not contain a gel core or any form of liquid. The implant may need to be removed (e.g., if complications arise).
The procedure is designed to maintain the natural state of the penis during the insertion process. Your surgeon will take all necessary measures to ensure that the integrity of the penis remains intact so that the implant can be removed if need be. Based on a study that was conducted in 2021, removal of the implant for adverse events and personal preference (i.e., dissatisfaction) occurred in less than 10% of cases.
It’s important to know that there is a rehabilitation process required to ensure optimal healing after the removal of the implant. There can be an initial retraction of the penis after removal of the Himplant, and this rehabilitation process is critical to help regain any possible lost length.
Based on a clinical review of 400 patients over 5 years, there were no cases of changes to penile function, ability to get or sustain an erection, or ejaculation during sex. There may be a change in sensation. Some patients have reported both increased and decreased sensitivity. This is generally temporary and typically resolves over time as the skin expands. Individual results may vary.
The Himplant® procedure can only be performed by Himplant®-trained providers within our nationwide and international network. See the Himplant® Clinics page for a full directory of available locations and doctors.
To find a list of physicians, visit our Find a Physician page.
There may be a change in the size of the penis after the insertion. The penis may look shorter after the procedure due to the fact the girth has increased, and the perception of the length has changed. However, in some cases, there may be a slight retraction due to the limitation of the skin at the time of the surgery and during the capsule formation process. This generally resolves once the tissue softens and skin stretches. Full recovery may take up to a year.
The Himplant implant is designed not to interfere with the erectile body of the penis. Generally, any time there is a surgical operation in the genital area, ED is a risk. However, a 5-year, 400-patient clinical review of Himplant did not show evidence of erectile dysfunction due to the Himplant implant in the past.
Increased size as a result of the implant can cause phimosis, a condition wherein the foreskin is unable to properly retract over the glans (head) of the penis.
Uncircumcised men may also face a higher likelihood of complications due to the increased difficulty of keeping the area clean after the procedure.
Due to these safety concerns, uncircumcised men must undergo circumcision prior to the Himplant procedure. The Himplant surgery can be performed usually 10-12 weeks after the circumcision, or upon complete healing of the skin.
We highly recommend that you get the circumcision completed with your Himplant surgeon. If not possible, you can have it done with your local physician.
After insertion of any medical implant, forming a "capsule" or tissue is a typical body response during the healing process. The body tends to react to the presence of any foreign object it detects within it and attempts to isolate the foreign object by creating a barrier of tissue around it. In the case of the Himplant implant, this is usually a very good thing.
The capsule can add additional girth that provides a protective layer over the sutures, which can help with the durability of the implant and help create a more natural feel to the touch.
This process generally takes 4-8 months to materialize fully. It is important to note that the size of the capsule is different for every individual. Wearing the compression sleeve, UroWrap, can help this process. The formation of the capsule can help the aesthetic result of the procedure.
Consumption of alcohol is generally not recommended during the recovery period following a medical procedure. Most importantly, alcohol can decrease the efficacy of the medications prescribed to achieve optimal recovery and may cause further complications.
We ask you to be cautious of your diet during the recovery period and try to achieve a healthy and nutritious diet for the best results.
The Himplant implant is not for everyone. Patients must meet the age requirement and must be circumcised before receiving the implant.
Patients who have undergone other methods of penile enhancement are usually not eligible since their skin has been damaged by foreign materials. Even if the other procedure was done several years ago, the penis does not fully return to normal; there will always be remnants present and attached to the interior lining of the penile tissue.
Even after the removal of a foreign body, insertion of the implant cannot be done. The implant does not lay properly within the shaft, and the skin does not heal well around the implant. Consequently, those patients end up in a much higher risk category for complications and infection.
You must be in good general health to undergo anesthesia.
All patients must refrain from tobacco and illicit drugs for a minimum of 30 days prior to the procedure and for at least 3 months after the procedure.
You should have realistic expectations from Himplant and what it can offer. This implant can help improve your confidence, but it is not a solution to other issues. You must agree to follow all pre and post-operative instructions.
To find out if you are a candidate, start with the eligibility questionnaire. After your initial evaluation, you can consult further with your Himplant consultant and surgeon.
You can take a shower once cleared by your physician. Generally, once the Jackson-Pratt (JP) drain is removed, you are cleared to take a shower though individual instructions may vary.
Do not use a hot tub, Jacuzzi, sauna (wet or dry), or Whirlpool bath, or submerge yourself in any body of water until you have been cleared to do so by the medical staff (typically six (6) to eight (8) weeks after the procedure).
The Himplant implant is designed to feel natural whether your penis is in a flaccid ("soft") or erect ("hard") state. We have used soft medical-grade silicone to achieve the most natural feel possible.
Additionally, the capsule formation around the implant will give the implant more of a natural feel to the touch. The entirety of this process will take anywhere between 6-12 months.
Patients often report that it's undetectable to sexual partners who have not seen their penises prior to the procedure. However, it is essential to note that the implant is a foreign object, and it may be detected.
We have observed that patients suffering from diabetes have a much higher complication rate and longer healing periods. This has to do with the change in the vascularity of the skin resulting from diabetes.
As such, we require patients to submit their most recent (within 3 months) blood work to ensure that A1C levels are at 7.5 or below. Patient safety is always our priority.
If your A1C level is above the accepted range or is uncontrolled, please work with your primary care physician to manage your blood sugar and consider changing your diet and habits. We will be happy to re-evaluate your eligibility at a later time.
The short answer is yes, fat above the pubic area can affect your eligibility. The longer answer is that suprapubic fat can apply pressure to the base of the implant, affecting its ability to sit properly, compromising the visual results of the procedure and increasing the likelihood of complications.
Some Himplant providers offer lipectomy and some offer liposuctions.
However, our recommendation is to try to get to your goal weight with diet and exercise prior to the procedure. A useful tool for assessing eligibility is the BMI (Body Mass Index) calculator. Please note that BMI is not the sole determining factor, as individuals carry weight differently.
If needed, you can always submit photos to the Himplant medical team, and they can help you with the best course of action.
This depends on the severity of the curvature. Our medical team will need to see photos of the penis to evaluate whether or not the patient is a candidate for the procedure.
Further evaluation might be required. We will assist you with scheduling a consultation with your Himplant-trained physician, who will make the final determination of eligibility for the procedure.
It’s important to note that any deformity prior to the procedure may affect the cosmetic result of the surgery.
Nicotine products can decrease vascularity and therefore extend the recovery time. This results in a higher chance of complications.
All Himplant patients must refrain from tobacco (nicotine gum, vapes, cigarettes, chewing tobacco) and illicit drugs for a minimum of 30 days prior to the procedure and for at least 3 months after the procedure.
Most likely not, as the medications used to treat or control autoimmune diseases will increase your chances of complications. Case-by-case evaluation can be done by the medical team or your Himplant surgeon.
Please do not use any form of stretching or stretching exercises/external devices or vacuum pumps. This will damage your implant and may cause serious complications.
Excessive pressure on the implant can lead to a complication resulting in the removal of the implant.
A compression sleeve can help minimize post-surgical swelling and edema, thus likely reducing the length of the recovery period. At your first follow-up appointment, the wrapping around your penis will be replaced by a medical sleeve called UroWrap, which must be kept on your penis at all times until your drain removal.
Make sure to change your UroWrap and use a clean one every day. For the first week after the drain removal (or per the surgeon's instructions), please wear the UroWrap during the day and while sleeping. Remove the UroWrap every few hours if at home.
Please remove the UroWrap before you shower and keep the UroWrap off for an hour immediately after the shower in order to allow the penis to air dry. After the first week (or per the surgeon's instructions), please wear the UroWrap only during the day, and remove it at night. Continue to remove it whenever you shower or submerge yourself in water.
Based on historical results, we have seen an average increase of 1″ to 2″ of added girth to the penis. Flaccid penile length gains have also been reported.Erect length increases, if any, are unpredictable and depend on the individual patient’s anatomy. Individual results may vary.
Himplant is a subcutaneous penile implant, meaning that it’s inserted beneath the skin of the penis. Your Himplant surgeon makes a small incision along the upper part of the scrotum.
By accessing the shaft through the scrotum, the chances of forming scar tissue in the pubic area are reduced. Additionally, due to the texture of the scrotal skin, the incision line typically conceals well after full recovery.
As with any procedure, there are possible benefits and potential risks. Your physician will thoroughly discuss all possible risks, complications, benefits, and alternatives (including no procedure) with you in advance of any procedure.
Our IRB-approved, retrospective clinical study found that patients experienced high levels of satisfaction and self-confidence as a result of the implant.
There were a small number of adverse events reported (e.g., infection in 3% of cases and seroma or fluid build-up in 5% of cases), often due to patient non-compliance with post-operative care instructions.
Closely adhering to the post-operative protocol can reduce the likelihood of any complications.