How is the Himplant surgery performed? How is the Himplant implant inserted?

At Himplant®, our mission is to empower men through innovative solutions that enhance their confidence and well-being. We envision a world where every man can achieve their desired self-image with dignity and ease.

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Original Publish Date:
April 18, 2024
Last Modified Date
September 27, 2024

Himplant is an innovative subcutaneous penile implant engineered to be inserted beneath the penis skin.

The operation involves your Himplant surgeon making an incision along the superior section of the scrotum. Typically 1-2 inches below the junction of the scrotum and the penis.

By choosing this specific access point, we not only minimize the risk of scar tissue formation but also take advantage of the unique texture of the scrotal skin. This helps to better conceal the surgical incision line, promising a visually satisfying outcome after complete recovery.

Upon creating the initial access, the Himplant is placed under the skin of the penis. The design of the implant is a 270-degree wrap around the penis shaft, thus ensuring that it does not interfere with the urethra.




After ensuring correct placement, the Himplant is securely fastened with sutures right behind the glans of the penis. This strategic placement allows the implant to naturally stretch forward during an erection. To maximize stability and durability, the Himplant incorporates embedded surgical netting, enhancing its reinforced design and facilitating the implant to sit more naturally behind the glans.   


Concluding the operation, the incision is carefully sewn up, and a JP (Jackson-Pratt) drain is introduced to assist in the healing process. Typically, the drain remains in place for 2-3 days, but this timeframe may differ based on the individual patient's healing progress.

The Himplant procedure typically spans between 45 minutes to an hour.

: This content is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. The information contained herein is not a substitute for and should never be relied upon for professional medical advice. Always talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of any treatment. Please note that individual results may vary. The potential complications, risks, benefits, and alternatives, including no surgery, will be discussed with you at length before proceeding with any procedure.

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