Chicago (Illinois)

Implante Himplant por

Dr. Laurence Levine

El Dr. Laurence Levine, urólogo certificado por la junta, ofrece el procedimiento Himplant® en Chicago, Illinois, donde es profesor en la Universidad Rush.

Conozca a su médico

Dr. Laurence Levine

El Dr. Laurence A. Levine, urólogo certificado por la junta, ofrece el procedimiento Himplant™ en su clínica de Chicago, donde es profesor de urología en el Departamento de Urología del Centro Médico de la Universidad Rush. Es una autoridad reconocida a nivel nacional e internacional en el tratamiento de la disfunción eréctil y la enfermedad de Peyronie. El Dr. Levine se formó en el programa de urología de Harvard del Brigham and Women's Hospital, y anteriormente fue miembro del cuerpo docente y médico en la Universidad de Chicago. Desde 1988, sus contribuciones académicas incluyen 220 artículos publicados y 48 capítulos de libros, así como dos libros específicamente sobre la enfermedad de Peyronie.

Además de la urología general, durante más de 25 años se ha centrado principalmente en los campos de la andrología y la urología reconstructiva, incluidos los trastornos de la función sexual masculina, la infertilidad masculina, las deformidades congénitas y las deformidades del pene causadas por la enfermedad de Peyronie. Otras áreas de experiencia clínica incluyen la reconstrucción uretral para la enfermedad por estenosis, el dolor crónico causado por el contenido del escroto y el hipogonadismo masculino (niveles bajos de testosterona) y la urología estética.


Costo de la consulta inicial


Implante Himplant® Costo de la cirugía

Dr. Laurence Levine

Dr. Laurence Levine


Dr. Levine gave me my life back. I'm forever thankful he did my surgery. He's the best doctor I ever had. Also his office is full of experts and kind caring faculty such as Gina Hugo. I have nothing but great things to say about Dr. Levine and his staff experts. I will be forever grateful and thankful 🙏 God bless them.
Juan C.
Absolutely fantastic doctor and not a single regret going to him. I was referred to Dr Levine since my situation was a bit more complicated. He was very clear on the plan and made sure I understood everything. He was very personable which was nice, I always love to be able to have a connection with my doctors. I worked a lot with his PA Gina and she was always super supportive and communicative with me during the recovery stages. I always felt like I was in such excellent care and secure. I've never had so many other doctors ask me about him when.i spoke to them about the surgery, he's like a celebrity in the doctor world. But seriously, check his reviews out on yelp and healthgrades and you'll see he has consistent and great reviews. Absolute top tier kind of doctor. It can be a bit of a wait to get in to see him as a new patient but totally worth it, don't question that and make the appt.
Jose C.
Doctor Levine is a superb doctor, utterly professional and thorough, as well as affable and approachable. One knows that one in capable and qualified hands within a few moments. A-Plus!
Mike P.
Dr. Levine did an amazing job operating on me, to allow me to regain peace in my life. He is an extremely highly skilled surgeon; who cares tremendously for the physical and mental well-being of his patients.
Anonymous Patient
Dr Levine is the closest thing to a miracle worker we have. He did a fantastic job. Gina, his PA, is absolutely fantastic as well. I worked with 2 other urologists and they both felt uncomfortable with the procedure and one of them referred me over to Dr Levine. He had warned me that Dr Levine was very busy and may not be able to help me but wanted me to get him as a 2nd (or in this case 3rd opinion). Dr Levine was a no nonsense doctor but also made me feel very comfortable and was very personable so I was immediately confident in anything he recommended. The procedure was called: release of a buried phallus and a year later, I'm quite literally a new man. Him and his staff were very patient with me during my hospital stay as well as all the follow-up appointments. My other doctors were shocked by the outcome and I'm sure is part of the reason he is held in such high regards. All of my docs seemed to have known him by reputation since my surgery. Absolutely top notch doctor.
Anonymous Patient
In 2018, at 53, I was diagnosed with Peyronie's disease. As a result, I had a 60 degree curve, which meant sex was nearly impossible. Depression set in. I tried a gimmicky treatment called low intensity shock wave therapy, but that did nothing but cost $300 a session. Finally, I decided to research surgical treatments and began reading technical papers regarding surgery. This is where I came across Dr. Levine as he had published tons of papers on surgical treatment. Thankfully he was in-network. In November 2020, I underwent plaque excision and grafting. I'm happy to report Dr. Levine and his incredibly competent and caring team corrected the curve. I continue to use post-surgical traction to re-establish length, but it is as straight as it was pre-Peyronie's, and functions great. To say Dr. Levine gave me my life back is an understatement. Peyronie's isn't just a physical affliction, it's pure hell on your psyche. Don't suffer in silence. Call Dr. Levine.
Anonymous Patient


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